Published by the Finnish-Chinese Botanical Foundation
Acta Bryolichenologica Asiatica was established by Dr. Lai Ming-Jou in 1989. It is published and sponsored by the Finnish-Chinese Botanical Foundation. It appears at irregular intervals, normally one volume yearly.
Editor of the volume 7 : Sinikka Piippo, Varpustie 7, FI-00780 Helsinki, Finland
Editorial board:
Hiroyuki Akiyama, Sanda, Japan
Neil Bell, Edinburgh, Scotland
Tong Chao, Shanghai, China
Hironori Deguchi, Hiroshima, Japan
Johannes Enroth, Helsinki, Finland
S. Robbert Gradstein, France, Paris
Xiaolan He, Helsinki, Finland
Lars Hedenäs, Stockholm, Sweden
Masanobu Higuchi, Tokyo, Japan
Sanna Huttunen, Turku, Finland
Jaakko Hyvönen, Helsinki, Finland
Timo Koponen, Lohja, Finland
Sanna Laaka-Lindberg, Helsinki, Finland
David G. Long, Edinburgh, Scotland
Leena Myllys, Helsinki, Finland
Rychard Ochyra, Krakóv, Poland
Sinikka Piippo, Helsinki, Finland
James R. Shevock, Los Angeles, USA
Soili Stenroos, Helsinki, Finland
Jíři Váňa, Prague, Czech Republic
Finnish-Chinese Botanical Foundation, Mailantie 109, FI-08800 Lohja, Finland
Finnish-Chinese Botanical Foundation, Mailantie 109, FI-08800 Lohja, Finland
All correspondence concerning manuscripts should be sent directly to the Editor.

Copyright © by Finnish-Chinese Botanical Foundation
The Finnish-Chinese Botanical Foundation was founded in 1988 and registered officially in the Foundation Register of Finland in 1998. The purpose of the foundation is to promote the bryological and lichenological research of the Chinese flora and to support the education of young Chinese bryologists and lichenologists.